Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Hopeful Study Abroad

Assuming that everything goes the way I perceive them to go, I plan on studying in China for one semester during Fall of 2011. I think this would be a great idea to further my Chinese skills, because by that time, I will have taken 4 semesters of Chinese, and should therefore be skilled enough to communicate on basic levels...hopefully.

What I find invaluable about studying abroad is the amount of cultural and lingual experience that students acquire in their interest. I personally think that studying abroad is more helpful than a personal trip to the preferred country after graduation in terms of academic study, since students are generally younger, allowing them to adequately learn the language when their environment forces them to learn.

I have yet to look into the study aboard program here at CCSU, so if anyone has any suggestions or advice on anything in relation to studying abroad in China, please let me know!

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